




发布时间:2024-08-20 09:38人气:
本文摘要:During the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference last summer, I spent some time chatting with Uber CEO Travis Kalanick about who might make a serious acquisition run at his company. I suggested Hertz HTZ 0.42% , to which he smiled and said something along the lines of “too small” (that proved prescient, as Hertz is currently valued at only $9.75 billion). Then I mentioned Google GOOG 0.18% , to which he smiled a bit wider, and said “At least they could afford it.”在去年夏天的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会上(Fortune Brainstorm Tech),我与Uber的首席执行官兹拉维斯o卡兰尼克闲谈了闲谈谁不会严肃考虑到并购他的公司。

During the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference last summer, I spent some time chatting with Uber CEO Travis Kalanick about who might make a serious acquisition run at his company. I suggested Hertz HTZ 0.42% , to which he smiled and said something along the lines of “too small” (that proved prescient, as Hertz is currently valued at only $9.75 billion). Then I mentioned Google GOOG 0.18% , to which he smiled a bit wider, and said “At least they could afford it.”在去年夏天的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会上(Fortune Brainstorm Tech),我与Uber的首席执行官兹拉维斯o卡兰尼克闲谈了闲谈谁不会严肃考虑到并购他的公司。我指出不会是租车公司赫兹(Hertz),他笑着说道这家公司“太小了”(很有先见之明,赫兹公司目前估值只有97.5亿美元)。随后我提及了谷歌(Google),他的嘴咧得更加进了些,说道:“最少他们负担得起。

”Two days later, word came that Google, via its Google Ventures unit, had helped lead a massive investment in Uber at around a $3.5 billion valuation (a subsequent round, led by Fidelity Investments, valued Uber at $18 billion).两天后传到消息,谷歌风投基金(Google Ventures)对Uber展开了一轮大规模投资,价值大约为35亿美元。【在随后的一轮融资中,富达投资集团(Fidelity Investments)对Uber的估值高达180亿美元】。

The pairing made perfect sense. Google GOOG 0.18% got access to the country’s hottest data-driven consumer startup. Uber got hundreds of millions of dollars, an experienced big-company director and a tacit guarantee that rival Lyft wouldn’t be able to tap the Bank of Mountain View. Plus there’s the whole wildcard of self-driving cars.这次合作意义深远影响。谷歌以求利用这家美国尤为炙手可热的数据驱动型消费公司。

而Uber取得了数亿美元资金,享有了一位来自大公司、经验丰富的董事长,以及一个说明了的确保:其竞争对手Lyft无法获得谷歌的投资了。此外,Uber还能用上谷歌的自动驾驶汽车。But here’s what I’m beginning to wonder: Are the two companies on an eventual collision course? Everyone seems to believe that Uber’s future is on-demand local delivery, with “rides” becoming a founding feature rather than a primary product. It already has built out much of the infrastructure, and has doing trial runs of other products in various markets (i.e., flu shots in Boston last week). Google, of course, also appears to have interest in on-demand delivery, given its recent Express roll-out.但这就是让我困惑的地方:两家公司最后否不会进行竞争?所有人或许都指出Uber未来方向是按须要的同城租车,而“微信”更加看起来公司创办时的特色,而非主要服务。Uber早已创建了许多基础设施,并开始尝试在有所不同市场运营其他产品(比如上周在波士顿获取流感疫苗寄送服务)。

而考虑到谷歌最近发售了Express,他们毫无疑问对按须要车主也很感兴趣。Let’s assume both companies continue moving forward with such plans, and envision a future where “same-day” delivery is about 23 hours too slow. The obvious solution would be for Google ($370b market cap, $60b in cash) to simply buy Uber. Only problem here is I can’t imagine Kalanick selling. Not the sort who wants a boss, even if that boss promises to be hands-off. Nor would any reasonable person want him as a powerful direct report.我们假设两家公司都按照这样的计划之后发展,就能预想到在未来连耗时23小时的“当日”递送都会变得太快。最显著的解决方案就是谷歌(市值3,700亿美元,握600亿美元现金)必要并购Uber。这里唯一的问题在于,很难想象卡兰尼克会出售公司。

没有人想要凭空多出一个上司,即便他确保不多特干预。而任何一个有理性的人也想享有卡兰尼克这样强势的必要辖下。So that leads us to the two companies competing, despite the 2013 investment. And this is where it could get a bit ugly, particularly given that Google would still control the dominant search function for many of the goods Uber would be seeking to deliver (a battle Amazon already is fighting).据此可以得出结论:尽管有过2013年的投资,然而两家公司仍然不会进行竞争。但这一过程可能会有些古怪,特别是在是考虑到谷歌依然掌控着搜寻领域的主导权,而Uber企图租车的许多商品都依赖它【亚马逊(Amazon)早已遭遇了这样的竞争】。

Again, this is way down the road – and possibly mitigated by Google passing on the opportunity or the two sides forging some commercial deal – but it’s the sort of thing that can happen when a strategic investment works out too well for both sides.这就是未来的情形。除非谷歌错失了时机,或是双方达成协议了某些商业协议,竞争才有可能有所恶化。


